Learn more about Legacy Planned Giving
Make MCF a beneficiary of your retirement account or life insurance policy. Leave a planned gift in your will. A simple, flexible and versatile way to make a lasting impact for Mclean families is through a gift in your will or living trust, known as a charitable bequest. You may leave MCF a stated dollar amount, percentage of your residual estate or other specific assets.
Name MCF as a beneficiary:
Naming Mclean Community Foundation as a beneficiary on your retirement account or life insurance policy is a simple and powerful way to support your community without changing your will or trust. Beneficiary designation gifts pass directly to the Mclean Community foundation without going through the probate process.
Ask your retirement plan administrator or financial institution for a change of beneficiary form.
Please list us as: Legal name: Mclean Community Foundation Address: PO Box 75 Mclean VA 22101 Tax id: 521227032
Please consult your tax advisor or attorney prior to executing.
How to name MCF in your will:
Name Mclean Community Foundation in your will.
Sample wording bequest wording:
“I give and bequeath to the Mclean Community Foundation, a nonprofit, charitable organization (EIN 521227032) whose headquarters is PO Box 75 Mclean VA 22101, the remainder (_______percentage) of my estate, or $_________(dollar amount). This gift is to be used by the Mclean Community Foundation for such purposes and in such a manner as deemed appropriate.
We're here to help you. Please contact us at hello@mcfonline.org.