2023 Grants:
Best Buddies $1,000
Bethany House of Northern VA $25,000
Fairfax County Park Foundation $25,000
Friends of Pleasant Grove $5,500
Lewinsville Retirement Residence $13,350
Navy Marine Coast Guard Residence Foundation (Vinson Hall) $5,200
Our Minds Matter $4,000
SPIRIT Open Equestrian Program $10,000
Stroke Comeback Center $3,620
Langley High School PTSA $250
Langley Residential Support Services $2,823
McLean High School PTSA $250
McLean Project for the Arts $2,500
McLean Volunteer Fire Department $38,496
Total: $136,989
Total Grants By Organization: 1980 to date
1st Stage Theatre $22,455
Alternative House $6,249
Alzheimer Foundation $33,150
American Legion Post 270 $600
The ARC of Northern Virginia $26,500
Arleigh Burke Pavilion $38,000
Bat/Nova $2,000
Best Buddies $1,000
Bethany House of Northern VA $25,000
Capital Caring Health $121,050
Chesterbrook Elementary School PTSA $30,500
Chesterbrook Residences $1,497
Child Development Center of Northern Virginia $850
Children's Science Center $5,000
Churchill Road Elementary School PTSA $34,250
Claude Moore Farm at Turkey Run (Friends) $54,100
Cooper Middle School PTO $13,600
Down Syndrome Assn of No. VA $1,600
Earth Sangha, Inc. $6,100
Fairfax County Library Foundation $10,390
Fairfax County Library, Dolley Madison Branch $951
Fairfax County Park Foundation - Clemyjontri Park $92,845
Fairfax County Park Foundation - McLean Central Park $25,000
Fairfax County Police Association $144
Fairfax Trails & Streams $7,970
Falls Church - McLean Children's Center $80,961
Family Friends of National Capital Area $6,470
Food Bus, Inc. $1,225
Franklin Sherman Elementary School PTA $43,148
Girl Scouts of the Nation's Capital $170
Haycock Elementary School PTA $37,500
Insight Memory Care $14,988
Kent Gardens Elementary School PTSA (FCPF) $25,000
Langley High School PTSA $39,000
Langley Non-Profit Housing Development Corporation $9,120
Langley Residential Support Services $39,623
Lemon Road Elementary PTA $19,000
Lewinsville Adult Day Healthcare Center $935
Lewinsville Coalition $1,400
Lewinsville Retirement Residence $51,304
Lift Me Up $8,062
Longfellow Middle School PTSA $27,703
Maddie's Blanket $1,000
McLean Central Park (Friends) $65,000
McLean Cares $26,200
McLean Choral Society $11,935
McLean Citizens Association Education Committee $4,300
McLean Community Center (Friends) $125,882
McLean Community Players $3,000
McLean High School PTSA $63,514
McLean Little League $70,100
McLean Orchestra $27,050
McLean Project for the Arts $102,500
McLean Revitalization Committee $17,500
McLean Symphony $7,370
McLean Theatre Alliance $1,000
McLean Trees Foundation $16,905
McLean Volunteer Fire Department $214,380
Medical Care for Children Partnership Foundation $7,600
Mt. Royal Park (Friends) $15,000
NAACP Fairfax County Branch $2,000
National Capital Treatment & Recovery $24,067
Navy Marine Coast Guard Residence Foundation $16,263
Neighborhood Watch $1,000
New Dominion Chorale $1,000
Our Minds Matter $18,000
Pleasant Grove (Friends) $65,850
Potomac River Greenways Coalition $3,000
Psychiatric Rehabilitation Services, Inc. (PRS) $37,020
Redeemer Renaissance After-School Program $15,000
Safe Community Coalition $2,400
SafeSpot Children's Advocacy Center of Fairfax County
SHARE, Inc $108,027
Specially Adapted Resource Clubs (SPARC) $8,447
SPIRIT Open Equestrian Program $10,000
Spring Hill Elementary School PTA $2,000
Stroke Comeback Center $26,862
Traveling Players $33,940
Volunteer Fairfax $2,500
Wesley Housing Development Corporation $24,000
Winterfest Parade $11,000
Women's Center $55,638
TOTAL $2,223,060